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What Is TAA Compliant?

by Jeff Atkins on March 27, 2020
what is taa compliant

Let's get to know more about this act and how it affects the products and parts that are manufactured around the world. TAA stands for the Trade Agreement Act (TAA) (19 U.S.C & 2501-2581). It was crated in the year 1979 to increase the growth and maintenance of a fair and open trading system.

What is TAA Compliant?

Getting TAA compliant products means that all the components or goods you get be manufactured or (substantially transformed) in the United States or one of the TAA compliant countries. The main objective for the Trade Act Agreement is to grow relations with countries that we have good political relationships with. This benefits both sides ensuring that the products come from trusted sources.

This has even more importance if you are working for a government agency. Having a GSA schedule or US Government contract requires that you purchase products that are TAA Compliant. Not adhering to this can lead to fines, bid cancellations and even exclusion from future contracting.

TAA Compliant Countries

Here's a list of the Trade Act Agreement compliant countries:


Afghanistan Finland New Zealand
Angola France Nicaragua
Antigua & Barbuda Gambia Niger
Armenia Germany Norway
Aruba Greece Oman
Australia Grenada Panama
Austria Guatemala Peru
Bahamas Guinea Poland
Bahrain Guinea-Bissau Portugal
Bangladesh Guyana Romania
Barbados Haiti Rwanda
Belgium Honduras Saba
Belize Hong Kong Samoa
Benin Hungary Sao Tome & Principe
Bhutan Iceland Senegal
Bonaire Ireland Sierra Leone
British Virgin Islands Israel Singapore
Bulgaria Italy Sint Eustatius
Burkina Faso Jamaica Sint Maarten
Burundi Japan Slovak Republic
Cambodia Kiribati Slovenia
Canada Korea (Republic of) Solomon Islands
Central African Republic Laos Somalia
Chad Latvia South Sudan
Chile Lesotho Spain
Colombia Liberia St. Kitts & Nevis
Comoros Liechtenstein St. Lucia
Costa Rica Lithuania St. Vincent & the Grenadines
Croatia Luxembourg Sweden
Curacao Madagascar Switzerland
Cyprus Malawi Taiwan
Czech Republic Mali Tanzania
Democratic Republic of Congo Malta Timor-Leste
Denmark Mauritania Togo
Djibouti Mexico Trinidad & Tobago
Dominica Moldova Tuvalu
Dominican Republic Montenegro Uganda
El Salvador Montserrat Ukraine
Equatorial Guinea Morocco United Kingdom
Eritrea Mozambique Vanuatu
Estonia Nepal Yemen
Ethiopia Netherlands Zambia

Countries that are not TAA Compliant are: 

China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Pakistan, Russia, and Sri Lanka.

Why It Was Introduced?

The Trade Agreements Act (TAA) is a federal law that requires the U.S. government to only purchase goods and services from countries that are part of the World Trade Organization's Government Procurement Agreement (WTO GPA). This law was introduced to help the United States comply with its obligations under international trade agreements and prevent discrimination against foreign suppliers.

For example, let's say the U.S. government is planning to purchase a new computer system and cable for a federal agency. Under the TAA, the government must only consider offers from suppliers in countries that are part of the WTO GPA, unless an exception applies. This means that the government cannot discriminate against foreign suppliers and must consider offers from any eligible country, regardless of where the supplier is located.

TAA Compliant Ethernet Cable

TAA compliant ethernet cables is cable that has been manufactured by one of the following countries. If you see the TAA mark on a specification or data sheet then you know that it is in compliance of this trade act agreement. Not only can ethernet cable be designated as TAA but cables accessories as well. Components and plugs are manufactured all over the world and this destination can apply to those as well. Getting plugs manufactured in one of the countries above means that they are TAA compliant.


Getting products from TAA Compliant countries ensures that your products can be used in any government agencies. Our products here at Infinity Cable Products are TAA Compliant and meet industry standards to take part in government contracts.

If you have any additional questions please contact us.


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